Queen of Spain Fritillary

Lost in memories and worries
a shadow
wandered through the forest
the birds singing, the leaves dancing
in the breeze
but just above; a cloud so dark
slowly moving like an umbrella

I found a bench and laid down
one leg over the other
like a sheet
the sun-rays laid down too
until the cloud took them away

a butterfly, the Queen!
in the
north so rare
dancing just beside the cloud
suddenly it sat om my knee
the antennas bent towards my head

I looked at her
and she looked at me
what did she see ?
a shadow or a man
or something in between?

perhaps she thought I
was a tree, her feet sensing;
could she lay her caterpillars her?

she moved away
but suddenly I felt her
on my forehead
the tiny feats moving to keep the balance
the wingtips trembling towards my thoughts

suddenly the thoughts passed away
I just sensed her dancing feet
the wings spread towards the sun

she took me back to the summer
to the sound of the flies, the warm breeze
to the the wonders of life
still here everywhere

and when I slowly leaved the forest
I understood what she had seen:
the dark cloud above me
and  with her wings
she had fanned it away

 a small angel
 though a queen
had landed on my forhead
a small angel
not to tuch
but around us
all the time


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