The White Tiger - an optimistic film?

 Optimism is the name of a chapter in  David Deutsch latest book, The Beginning of Infinity.

Can we be optimistic in this dark age? 

Why not.

As long as creativity rules. 

As long as democracy more or less works in many countries. 

The film The White Tiger (Netflix) shows a very corrupt India. 

But the author of the book that the film is based on, Aravinda Adiga, has said that he wanted the book to be an eye opener about what is going on in his home country. He beliefs that it could work better in the future, so he can be seen as an optimist. 

Deutsch thinks that technological solutions can help to solve the climate crises.

We also be more optimistic as the US now is on the Paris train again. 

If we can slow the heating down we have more time to find solutions. 

We are made by nature to see the problems, that has made us survive.  

In mindfulness we can label worrying  just as "worries" and let them pass, 

After meditation we my try to solve them, or grade them as not necessary. 

But we have to be free to solve them, as Adiga shows in the film by a metaphor: Hens in a cage may stay inside even if the door is open - they now of no other way to live. Low caste people in India may behave in he same way and not take the chance if it comes. Their minds are stuck in old structures and traditions that pull the down  - and so are the rich people. 

The optimistic approach may have support by the idea that we don't know much of the future. We cannot look back to know it. We just have to step out of the cage and look around for solutions to come. (and stop to keep hens in narrow cages too) .

The first step may be to see what we are trapped in - some of our thoughts may be our cages.

Well, white tigers may be a problem too...




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