The world according to Albert Camus

 It's nice to now and then come back to the writings of Camus. 

He wrote about out absurd world - and i may have became even more absurd nowadays. 

the world absurd comes from the Greek world surdus with means deaf. 

Lets see what it can mean - one way is what Camus wrote about the experience to see someone talking in telephone inside a telephone box- we just see someone moving his or hers lips, and we may hear some fragments of a dialog, but we don't understand what is going on.

Nowadays we have the same experience when we here someone talking in a mobile phone. 

We are not literary deaf, but we cannot make us clear about what is going on, 

we are also bombarded with information all the time, knowledge comes more seldom.

But if the world is absurd, what about ourselves, are we too?

Camus had some answers to that - we have to go on even if the world is absurd and even meaningless. 

in the essay " the Myth of Sisyphus" Camus describes how Sisyphus pulls a heavy stone from the bottom till the top of a mountain. 

when he drops the stone it will roll down again and Sisyphus have to repeat over again. 

That's the predicaments for us humans on Earth, Camus seems to mean. 

But Camus ends; we must after all see Sisyphus as happy. At least in he protests against the predicaments -even as for sure Sisyphus  knows that the stone will fall down again.

Of course, Camus was nor religious and unlike Sartre he didn't believe that communism would save us.

In the novel " The Plague" Camus describes how Dr Rieux in Algeria (Camus was born there) fights the severe tempest just because he must, a bit like Sisyphus- The book end with a partial victory, the plague seems to escape, but the Rieux knows that it start again. 

In the end the world seems to be meaningless and absurd and death impossible to fully grasp.

But what about the individual? are we also absurd in front of ourselves?

Camus has a suggestion for that too:  Know yourself, that is anyway more possible then ti understand the world, or with the word of Camus: 

No sun without shadows. You have to get to know the night. That's means; the night of yourself.

In meditation we have the chance to look at and accept the thoughts that come, even if we would like to get rid of them. We will see our thought and feelings like in a mirror. With a humble distant end then leaving them.

But some feelings just comes alive when we meet other people, for example - we all know that relationships can be hard. Especially if we are tired or bored, or have problems like to little money. 

A marriage is like a whetstone some said, the night of our soul will be ground down there (hopefully.) 

But is it possible to really oneself? To know all our feelings and different personal traits?

Someone sad that when we do it we will turn to a stone.

This woman, Sevdaliza, doesn't want to know herself fully, she wants to change, play different characters.  

She is multicultural and in a way very modern, she looks forward to something new.  

She says in an interview; 

We’re human beings so, we’re not the same every day, even if we have to perform some sort of image. I sometimes feel sorry for people that become trapped in a performance of their own lives. I could never live like that. I want to be a full person. I also wondered, I don’t know how you feel about this, but when I look at a woman for instance, when a woman is portraying her power, that kind of woman will get questioned way more. It’s almost like an aberration. We ask of powerful women, ‘Is she also vulnerable? Is she humble? Does she smile?’ We judge women more harshly than we judge men in that sense. I think it’s very interesting to show I can be both.




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