Meditation and morality according to David Deutsch

 Sam Harris, the atheist that started to meditate,  has said in an interview in "The guardian"; 

"We are sleepwalking, and when you learn how to meditate, you recognize that there is another possibility, which is to be vividly aware of your experience in each moment in a way that frees you from routine misery. Meditation is simply the practice of learning to break the spell and wake up."

He has even started a meditation app and it seems he's up to some kind of spiritualty (not religion) if I understand it in the right way. 

Well, he have a podcast too, and there he has been speaking to David Deutsch. 

You better look at Wikipedia to have a clue of who David is. 

The conversation may not be so easy to follow, but A man called Sam Hall makes an interpretation of it here: 

About 44 minutes into the video Hall speaks about meditation and  Deutsch's look at it: 

Harris says that meditation him happy and Deutsch replies ; 

Maybe you get happy after a meditation because it helps the unconscious part of your mind work and help you to solve problems.

 To solve problems and to be creative is what makes us happy, according to Deutsch. 

Deutsch maybe true, but for sure you can have happy or satisfied moments under the meditation too. Though that may not be the purpose of mediation. 

Many says that the meaning of meditation is to drop things, including problem solving and philosophy - but most of all the ego. 

Deutsch means that there are less suffering now that in older times, for instance in Buddhas time. But there can still much more progress - but that will lead to new problems so the progress will go on. I guess that is an optimistic view...

Deutsch is a "Popperian"(influenced by Karl Popper), so he thinks that every answer, even in science, is just temporary, and therefore should be criticized. 

Of course Deutsch is a supporter of enlightenment too.

I guess he hasn't studied Buddhism so much and he doesn't seem to meditate - but of course you can be supporter of enlightenment and meditation too.

For progress everything should be looked at with a doubting view. 

That's true even for morality - any theory of morality as utilitarianism should be seen as a kind if criticisms of earlier ethics, according to Deutsch, so utilitarianism can also be criticized. 

Though criticism must be made in a non-violent way. 

An open society that are open for change and many voices is an Popperian society. 

So "true" doctrines like in Buddhism and used by some philosophers  should be seen as temporary. 

Harris tries to build fundaments for an ethic life in his podcast with Deutsch, but he seems not to understand that for Deutsch there can never be any  true fundaments at all. 

Though there are an objective truth out there, we can never reach it.

So freedom  and the right to criticize is the guidelines for Deutsch. Freedom also leads to  peace, according to Deutsch.

Moral fundaments like the Golden rule;  Don't do into other what you don't want others do to you, is a bit troublesome if you are a masochist. 

And does really life always include suffering or unsatisfactory (Dukkha as Buddha called it ) every time? 

Well, if problems always will occur, we will always be unsatisfied in a way, but problem solving can on the other hand lead to happiness for other; a  musical composer is a problem solver according to Deutsch.  

Deutsch's theories can of course be criticized too, as anyone one who says that he knows the truth. 

Deutsch's view is of a forever progress  (as there will always will come new questions). And that may be the case of the understanding of the two books written by Deutsch too - but that makes them even more interesting.

Here's a problem solver from 1975: 

Actually, Sanders could be a supporter of Deutsch. This quote is from and interview with him:

“It just seems like there’s no end to my trying to perfect what I’m trying to do”


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