From natures point of view

How can it be that all the dogs around the hotlels by the sea are so peaceful?
They are quite many and most of them are without a necklace.
They seldom bark and I have never seem they fighting with eachother.
I don't think they have had any upbringing or training at all.
But they get food from the restaurants from time to time.

Maybe we have interpreted dogs in the wrong way. Maybe they know how to behave if we treat them well too. If we don't shout to them or harm them in other ways.

If we look at the planet from an animal view, we would have a different picture.
Of course they cannot have the whole picture, but it seems that neither can we.
If I read a Swedish newspaper, I can read about climate change at one page and about the new cars or trips to Thailand at the next.
Is as af we don't dare to understand the situation.

Stephen Hawking speaks out though;

The greates dangers for us is nuclear weapons, climate change and new technology.
But he's sure of that the development can't be stopped.
Some time in future, he says, we can colonize others planets though, and save humankind.

But if we let nature have our eyes and brain for a while we would probably hear a load cry.
If we will create a disaster nature would be effected greatly too. Not only the animals that have learned to live with us as dogs, cats and certain doves.

Probably nature would be fresh again but that could take a very long time, maybe billions of years.

The religions, at last the scriptures in their canon, have not much to say about those thing, as technologi

They are, like science, anthropocentric.

I was attacked by a monkey some days ago. I was surprised, they use to hide away if they see me.
But not that one. Instead a I run away...
I don't think it's a good way for them to survive, it would probably be better for them if they could cooperate with humans as dogs do. As we now dominate the whole Earth.

But in the long run, if Hawkings is right, they would have a greate chance to survive as woolfs have...

I we could see that nature has a value in itself, not only as recreation areas for us, it would probably benefit us too.

We need the nature for new medicins and so on.
And the mangrove keeps us from floodings, as the forests do.

And so on

 Here, at Con Dao, the monkeys will survive as they live in a nature reservate. At least if they keep the distance too us...


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