Religion in a secular age

(First : updated video in yesterdays blog - my "monastery")
Dharma-Burgers isn't a new phenomen, but the term must be pretty new.
It's about commercialization of the Buddhist symbols or using them in the new age movement and so on:

Quite funny but also a sign of the time.

With some exeptions, religion doesn't seem to be as important as it used to be.

My parentes where quite religions, my father listened to the mass on radio while he took the Sunday bath:-)
But my grandfather was an active baptist.
My grandmother was active in a church too. But my mother just listened and sung religios songs.
And her children made the degeneration even worse....

Actually David Bowie met a Tibetan lama in the 60th and studied Tibetan buddhism for some years.

The Lama, Chime Rinpoche, i still alive and in a video he's talking about skilful behavior for young people: "You don't have to become a Buddhist", he says, "you just have to be what you are" and deal with your energies "in a skilful way".

So the most important must be to act skilfully but I think that the eightfold path can be a good help.
I don't know if Bowie acted skilfully for the whole of his life, but he for sure helped many people with his music.
One of his first recorded songs was actually about Chime; .


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