Sometimes I feel like a rolling stone

Where nowhere to go
With no direction home.

Been to the coralreefs today, snorkeling.
Beautiful reefs and very intact.

So many colours, both on the reefs and on the fishes.

(Not my film though)
Also lovely people on the boat, from Germany, Scotland, Austraila and of course Vn. Great to talk to for a while...

But afterwards I felt lonely.
I guess I wanted to be by myself for a while, but when I ate my dinner, at an English owned place, I had the feeling not to belong anywhere. Not in Europe and not in Vn. And they played the song in the heading above.

It must have been the time with the nice people around you, and the contrast at the restaurant that made it like that.

Then it's good with mindfulness (and with a blog).  The concept of  mindfulness includes to accept the fact that you will never be completely satisfied. You will always look for new things to satisfy your mind. You think that luck is around the corner. So you are looking for the next move and the move thereafter.

But pleasure is just temporary.
The depeest mind is empty of longing.

When i was snorkeling at the reef it was tempting to use the flippers to move on all the time. But it was actually better to stay at one place a longer time. The fishes did get used to you and you could see things as a sting-ray, half hidden in the sand.

It's natural to feel alienated from time to time.
Maybe we in the west have that feeling more often.

For sure Bob Dylan must feel alienated now and again, as he seems to be on a never ending tour, ironcally, "like a rolling stone".


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