I am not what I am

The headline is another quote from Shakespeare's Othello. Iago speaks about himself. It´s often possible to interpret Shakespeare's texts in different ways, but here it´s quite clear. Iago speaks about his own ability to seduce and manipulate people - he is not what he seems to be. He seeds the seed of jealousy in Othello and the tragedy begins. Iago is the bad guy in the play, but he is bright and interesting. He knows the weak spots in people.
In the context of mindfulness the headline means something else; Iago is not what he is. In fact no human being is. In the light of mindfulness we are not our thoughts, neither our body. That´s because the have no separate existence.
For instance; a bad upbringing has planted thoughts of shame, bad confidence or extreme lust of revenge in you. But this thoughts have been planted long ago - not only by parents or teachers, but perhaps by ancestor long ago or by society. The thoughts live in you know, but they are not you.
But as an adult to a child, you can look at this thoughts with kindness and tenderness: Dear little thought, here you are again, but don't worry - I can take care of you.


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